Patch360 Auto Update Guide

This article discusses the Patch360 auto update feature and provides the steps to enable the feature.

What is Patch360 Auto Update?

Patch360 auto update enables you to keep your 3rd party applications updated. Once enabled the auto update process does the following:

  • Every 24hours at 00:00UTC, the auto update service is run.
  • The service runs through the applications imported into your Workspace360 environment and matches them against the Patch360 database.
  • If/When a match is found the version number is checked to determine if a new version is available. 
  • If a new version is available, the new version is imported into your Workspace360 environment.
  • The new version will go through the Workspace360 pipeline, if the application passes the target OS validation then it is automatically exported to your default Intune tenant.

For auto update to successfully import new versions of applications into your Workspace360 environment, your Gateway VM must be running. 

Enable Patch360 Auto Update

To enable the service, head over to the Settings page.

From the General Settings, click on the "+" icon to add a new setting.

Click on the "Configuration Property" as indicated in the screenshot to access the general settings list.


Scroll down the list and locate the auto update setting, as per screenshot, and click on it.

Ensure the "Configuration Value" is set to "True" and then click on Save.

You should then see the setting entry in the General Settings list.

To change the setting, click on the edit button. 

To remove the setting, click on the delete button.

Setting the default Intune tenant

To ensure applications are automatically exported to the correct Intune tenant, please ensure you enable your default Intune tenant.

If you only have one Intune tenant attached to Workspace360, then this is automatically set as the default tenant and no action is required.

To update the default Intune tenant, head over to the Integrations page.

Configure your Intune connection(s).

Edit the connection you want to set as the new default.

Check the box to enable the default, and click on Save when done.

You will be asked to confirm the change. 

Click OK to confirm.