Rimo3 API - Sequences

Step-by-step guide to using the Rimo3 Workspace360 API to export sequences to track an app progressing through the pipeline, or to capture results for apps.

Track Progress of Discovery, Baseline, and Test 

When you have an Application ID for an uploaded application, you can use this to track the progress of the various stages of the journey that Workspace360 takes the application through.

This article guides you through the process of obtaining an Application ID.

The script below references variables previously created in the following article.

In this step, you get a list of sequences associated with the Application ID.

#Set the Rimo3 app ID
$Appid = 10012

$GetSequencesHeader = @{
    Accept = "application/json"
    Authorization = "Bearer $token"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    "Cache-control" = "no-cache"

$GetSequencesParameters = @{
    Method = "GET"
    Uri = "$($server_uri)/api/v2/application-packages/$Appid/sequences"
    Headers = $GetSequencesHeader

$PackagesResponseSequences = Invoke-RestMethod @GetSequencesParameters

Write-Host ($PackagesResponseSequences | ConvertTo-Json) 

You’ll receive the associated pipeline sequences for the newly uploaded application. As shown below, it works its way through the pipeline, passes discovery, and is eventually baselined.

If the sequences are still running, you can run the same commands again to show the continued progress.

From the screenshot above. you can see that the onboarding is now complete, and your application is now being tested against desired state, including AVD multisession.


For any Sequences Identifier (ID), you can use the Sequence ID to obtain more details.

$SequenceID = "e6e8ecac-8334-4a90-9c50-2d053527cd20"

$SequenceHeader = @{
    Accept = "application/json"
    Authorization = "Bearer $token"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    "Cache-control" = "no-cache"

$SequenceParameters = @{
    Method = "GET"
    Uri = "$($server_uri)/api/v2/sequences/$SequenceID"
    Headers = $SequenceHeader

$SequenceResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @SequenceParameters

Write-Host ($SequenceResponse | ConvertTo-Json) 

You can go one step further by obtaining the test case details for a given sequence.

$TestsSequenceHeader = @{
    Accept = "application/json"
    Authorization = "Bearer $token"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    "Cache-control" = "no-cache"

$TestsSequenceParameters = @{
    Method = "GET"
    Uri = "$($server_uri)/api/v2/sequences/$SequenceID/test-cases"
    Headers = $TestsSequenceHeader

$TestsSequenceResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @TestsSequenceParameters

Write-Host ($TestsSequenceResponse | ConvertTo-Json) 


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