Rimo3 API - New endpoint for generating an API Access Token

As part of the upcoming Rimo3 Workspace360 Kansas release, scheduled for January 30th 2025, access tokens will now be retrieved through a newly established API endpoint.

As of 30 January 2025 the current endpoint, below, will no longer work:


Replacing the existing access token request

To request a new access token Post a call to the new token url with the following details:

  • URL: https://rimo3cloud.com/api/v2/connect/token 
  • Method: POST
  • Header: "Authorization" = Basic <Base64EncodedCredentials>
    Where <Base64EncodedCredentials> is a Base64 encoded string of the following value: <clientId>:<clientSecret>
  • Body (formatted as JSON): Form-Data: 'grant_type=client_credentials' 

The response will include the access token, token type and expiration time (seconds) in JSON format:
    "access_token": "<your_access_token>",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600

Continue to use the access token in API calls by including it in the Header as follows:

"Authorization" = Bearer <access_token>

Where <access_token> is from the previous token request'

Testing the access token

Access tokens can be tested using the following new endpoint:

  • URL: https://rimo3cloud.com/api/v2/connect/test
  • Method: GET
  • Header: "Authorization" = Bearer <access token>