User Management and Inviting Users

This guide shows you how you can quickly and easily manage your organisation’s users within Altitude.


All User functionality can be found under “Admin Settings” in the main menu:

Inviting a User

To invite a user, click Admin Settings, and then click Invites, and Invite New User:

Enter the email address and contact telephone number (optional) of the user you want to invite:

By default, users will be invited as a standard user with the ability to view all dashboards, but they will not have the right to create dashboards or carry out admin tasks. You can amend the features that the user has access to once they have accepted the invitation.

Updating User Features

To update user features, access the user list by clicking on Admin Settings on the left of the screen.

Next to each user, you will see a pencil icon and a bin icon.

Click the pencil icon to edit a user.

Within their user profile, you can switch the ability to create dashboards, carry out customer admin and carry out user admin on and off under the Features section:

Changes are saved when you click the save icon next to the field you are editing.

Removing Users

User access can be removed from Additionality in two ways.

If you need to temporarily suspend access, click the pencil icon to edit the user and click “User Enabled” to switch this feature off. This will disable the user but will not delete their account.

If you need to permanently delete a user, click the bin / delete icon on the user list to delete them.

Please note, this cannot be undone, and you would need to reinvite the user if they are deleted in error.