Why is Access Denied returned when running a Config Manager import?

Config Manager import must be performed against a server running the SMS Provider.

If the following error is received when running a Config Manager import and you have validated that the provided credentials are correct then this could indicate that the target server is not running the SMS Provider:

GATEWAY: Error: [Failed to authenticate. Error:Access is denied.]

GATEWAY: ERROR Reason: SCCMConnector.FindApplicationPackagesRequest failed.

Config Manager import must be configured to use a server that is running the SMS Provider, by default the SMS Provider is running on:

  • A Primary Site server
  • A Central Administration Site (CAS) server

The following script can be run from a PowerShell prompt to determine connectivity to the SMS Provider:

$siteCode = ''
$siteServer = 'server.domain'

$credentials = Get-Credential
$username = $credentials.UserName

# The connector does not understand a PSCredential. The following command will pull your PSCredential password into a string.
$password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($credentials.Password))

$NameSpace = "root\sms\site_$siteCode"
$SWbemLocator = New-Object -ComObject "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"
$SWbemLocator.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = 6
$connection = $SWbemLocator.ConnectServer($siteServer,$Namespace,$username,$password)

If this script returns one of the following errors it would indicate that the specified server is not running the SMS Provider:

  • The RPC server is unavailable
  • Invalid Namespace

If an error is returned you will need to specify a different server in the Config Manager configuration.


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